Highways and Rights of Way

Bepton has only a few roads. The main ones are Bepton Road (through the village), Severals Road (towards the A272), Bugshill Lane (towards the Church) and Bell Lane (towards Cocking). There are a number of smaller roads, some of which are unmade. The Councillors do ensure that potholes, and other issues with the roads, are reported to the County Council for them to take appropriate action. However, if you want to report potholes yourself, you can do so directly to West Sussex County Council using their new smartphone app (love West Sussex), by calling them, or via their website. Or you can contact one of the Councillors and we will be happy to pursue this for you.

We have a Winter Resilience Plan in the event that roads become impassable. You can download a copy of the plan Bepton Winter Emergency Plan 22-23. Also there is a map of the roads Bepton Parish Winter Plan Roads.

Bepton has nearly 15 miles of footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways. The Parish Council is keen to make sure that they are passable and in good repair. The Councillors do walk them from time to time to check this. If you are aware of a footpath or byway which isn’t usable, please contact Sarah Port at     Email: sarahportbeptonpc@gmail.com